feed the fish

if you want to feed the fish, click on the blue background, and the fish come running for the food introduced by you

Sunday, December 27, 2009

tips for good living

1. smile at people you know and whom you want to know, A smile generates warmth and also brings in positive vibrations.

2. Enjoy the company of small children as they are really creative, lovable and thought provoking.

3. Appreciate immediately. (when you find something good in a person, give your appreciation immediately). Some people feel good about others deeds or words but they are not spontaneous in their appreciation. The best time to appreciate is immediately since your whole face and body language will reflect the appreciation. Otherwise you will have to live in that moment again to remember!

4. When you are in a bad mood or want to vent out your anger on someone, for a moment imagine that the other person is no more. If you vent your anger and if it goes beyond bounds, you may not have another chance to show your remorse if that person is no more. So express yourself in a calm manner.

more tips as we go about

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